Let’s ensure a more open world

For more than 160 years, CNP Assurances has focused on its core business of protecting people against life’s hazards. Life insurance, retirement, loan, providence, health… CNP Assurances responds to the many changes that affect the lives of its customers.

CNP Luxembourg, compagnie d’assurance vie créée en 2015, commercialise une gamme de contrats d’assurance vie et de capitalisation haut de gamme pour personnes physiques et morales résidant au Luxembourg, en France ou en Belgique.

Through its international distribution partners (banks, family offices, brokers, asset management advisors), CNP Luxembourg offers an open architecture product:

  • multi-partner
  • multi-depositories
  • multi-manager

CNP Luxembourg operates under the Freedom to Provide Services (FPS) regime in the wealth management market in France, Luxembourg, Belgium and, in the near future, Italy.

A solid shareholder base

CNP Assurances in figures…

(CNP Assurances data as of 12/31/2021)

14 million

savings and retirement policyholders worldwide

1.94 bilion €

in net income, Group share

36 billion €

of turnover

363.7 billion €

of average net outstandings


of financial assets managed by ESG (environment, social & governance) filters


in life insurance in France


insurer in Europe


insurer in Brazil


(S&P rating)


SCR (Solvency Capital Requirement) coverage

Balanced financial management

CNP Assurances is one of France’s leading insurers in terms of capital resources (unrealized capital gains, profit-sharing reserve and capitalization reserve).

The customer at the heart of the business

CNP Assurances is constantly seeking to improve customer satisfaction and regularly conducts studies to anticipate the needs resulting from social and demographic changes.

In order to satisfy its high-end customers, CNP Assurances relies on a department dedicated to wealth management in France,
CNP Patrimoine
and an international subsidiary,
CNP Luxembourg
CNP Assurances has a dedicated wealth management department in France and an international subsidiary to provide its French, Belgian and Luxembourg clients with access to the specific features of the various European markets.

CNP Luxembourg brings together all the expertise to guarantee the quality of service and responsiveness that your wealth management clients expect. Dedicated sales, legal and marketing teams, as well as specialists in financial underlyings, actuaries and teams focused on operations (back and middle office).